Fifty-eight supporters of Delegate Roger Manno's campaign for Senate have written MCEA on his behalf arguing for his place on the Apple Ballot. That endorsement is rated by MoCo politicians as more valuable than support from the Washington Post. Among Manno's supporters are Delegates Hank Heller and Ana Sol Gutierrez, former Senator Len Teitelbaum, former Delegates Adrienne Mandel and Carol Petzold, former Delegate candidates Tom DeGonia, Guled Kassim and Arnold Gordon, former MCEA Board Member Jackie Lichter, Student Board of Education Member Tim Hwang and progressive leader Mike Hersh. We reprint their letter below.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Manno Supporters Lobby for Apple
Posted by
Adam Pagnucco
8:00 PM
Labels: Apple Ballot, District 19, Roger Manno