Wednesday, September 30, 2009

MDOT Repeats Call for Delay on Gaithersburg West

Following is a new letter from the Maryland Department of Transportation about Gaithersburg West.

MoCo Budget: Even the Tough Calls Are Not Enough

A new County Council staff memo lays out a grim budget scenario: the council could implement some of the toughest fiscal measures at its disposal and it may still not be enough to close the deficit.

Like other jurisdictions across the nation, we are “managing” the current fiscal squeeze. Many have already had to take more aggressive steps than we have, including no step increases, furloughs, layoffs, and in some cases actual cuts in salary and benefits. If economic reality is now in fact the “New Normal,” “managing” the fiscal squeeze going forward may not be enough. Instead, we will have to break new ground by making harder choices about budget priorities and focusing more systematically on the four-fifths of the budget that for us, as for other local governments, goes to salaries and benefits for our employees.
That means there are an awful lot of heads on the guillotine.


Big Daddy, Busch: No More Free E-ZPasses (Updated)

Angry state legislators are marking this blog for deletion after one of their most cherished perks has been pulled by their masters: free E-ZPasses. Here’s the E-ZScoop.

Honorable Beverley K. Swaim-Staley
Acting Chairwoman, Maryland Transportation Authority
2310 Broening Highway, Suite 150
Baltimore, MD 21224

Dear Chairwoman Swaim-Staley:

This is a request under the Maryland Public Information Act, State Government Article § § 10-611 to 628. I wish to inspect all records in your custody and control pertaining to the following:

1. A complete list of all state legislators, both current and former, with “non-revenue,” i.e. free, E-ZPass accounts.

2. A list of any former state legislators who continue to possess non-revenue E-ZPass accounts after leaving office.

3. The total amount of toll revenues the state would have collected if these accounts had been revenue-generating for each account.

4. The legal authority used by the Maryland Transportation Authority as a basis for distributing non-revenue accounts to state legislators.

5. A description of the accounting controls used by the Maryland Transportation Authority to ensure that the non-revenue accounts possessed by state legislators are used only for official business.

If all or any part of this request is denied, I request that I be provided with a written statement of the grounds for the denial. If you determine that some portions of the requested records are exempt from disclosure, please provide me with the portions that can be disclosed.

I also anticipate that I will want copies of some or all of the records sought. Therefore, please advise me as to the cost, if any, for obtaining a copy of the records and the total cost, if any, for all the records described above. If you have adopted a fee schedule for obtaining copies of records and other rules or regulations implementing the Act, please send me a copy.

I look forward to receiving disclosable records promptly and, in any event, to a decision about all of the requested records within 30 days. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions regarding this request, please telephone me at 301-XXX-XXXX.


Adam Pagnucco
Author, Maryland Politics Watch
MdTA has not yet responded to this request.

On September 25, Senate President Mike “Big Daddy” Miller and House Speaker Mike Busch sent this letter to the members of the General Assembly revoking their free E-ZPasses. We apologize for the poor quality of the copy, but our sources probably smuggled it out of Annapolis under cover of darkness. Clearly, you were not supposed to know about this.

As you can imagine, this is not going down real well. One legislator texted your author immediately upon receipt of the letter, saying, “Congratulations Adam ‘Recession’ Pagnucco!” This comes on top of grumbling over giving up pay to match furloughed state employees. After we posted a press release from the District 15 Delegation announcing their giveback of eight days’ pay, several legislators contacted us to complain that they were giving up that amount or more with no fanfare. “I’m not putting out a press release just because I’m doing the right thing!” one fumed.

But the Hypocrites of the Week award belongs to the Maryland Senate Republican Caucus, who have made great hay over the E-ZPass fee uprising by accusing the Governor of breaking his promise not to “nickel and dime” Marylanders. How many Senate Republicans were carrying free E-ZPasses at the time of that attack?

We’ll find out. Because while we congratulate Big Daddy and the Speaker for revoking a needless perk, our Public Information Act request is still pending. The answers are coming.

And any legislators who have been criticizing spending and perks while pocketing a free E-ZPass should beware.

Update: NBC4 and the Post have picked up the story and have generously credited this blog. The Sun also wrote about it but does not mention us.


Montgomery County’s Most Influential People, Part Three

Get ready for the big time, people! These six elected officials are the heaviest hitters in Montgomery County.


MD State Delegate Victor Ramirez on "Political Pulse" on Channel 16 TV‏

Maryland Delegate Victor Ramirez from the 47th State District in Prince George's County will be on the Political Pulse political talk show on:


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Council Staff: Blast from the Past

Check out these two photos of the County Council staff from the mid-1990s.


A Climate Bill to be Excited About

By Brad Heavner.

Sen. Barbara Boxer has said she will unveil the Senate version of federal climate legislation on Wednesday. Will the bill be inadequate to the task at hand or the most revolutionary energy policy ever considered by Congress?


How Far Will Baltimore’s Corruption Scandal Go?

Developer Ronald Holt Lipscomb, whose alleged showering of gifts on Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon led to her indictment, is now cooperating with State Prosecutor Robert A. Rohrbaugh. That’s not just bad news for Dixon. It’s also potentially bad news for many other politicians too.


Council Approves $150,000 for Sligo Creek Golf Course

Following is the press release from the County Council.


Montgomery County’s Most Influential People, Part Two

Our respondents collectively nominated 53 elected officials as the most influential leaders in Montgomery County. We present the leaders starting today, along with some commentary from myself and our spies, in reverse order of their number of votes.


Monday, September 28, 2009

District 18 Town Hall Meeting

Following is the announcement from the District 18 Caucus.


Snapshot: Unemployment in Maryland

Maryland has a lower unemployment rate than the U.S. average, but the regions of the state are faring differently. If you live in Baltimore City, on the Eastern Shore or in Western Maryland, you are much more likely to be unemployed than if you live in Central or Southern Maryland. Following are average unemployment rates for jurisdictions across the state in 2008 and the first six months of 2009 from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.


Fireproof Fred (Updated)

Imagine if you hacked your boss’s email account, became enmeshed in a juicy political scandal and then were nabbed by the police on a gun charge. You’d get fired, right?

Well, you’re probably not Fireproof!

One of the messages was sent to a young woman who works part time in the city’s environmental services division and included an emoticon, a keyboard symbol, known in the electronic messaging world as a reference to large breasts, according to a copy of the e-mail obtained by The Gazette.

A second message to the woman read: ‘‘You are soo hot!!!!!!!!!,” a copy of the e-mail shows.
Well, Felton was put on the hot seat himself, but not for long. The new Acting City Manager, who was not punked by Felton’s prank, decided not to investigate. And you wonder why we call him “Fireproof?”

But Felton’s nickname is in for a test. City police arrested him after an “accidental discharge” – from a weapon, people – in his apartment. Now it turns out that he had been drinking and blew 0.11 on a breath test. Furthermore, his neighbor was only six feet away from the wall-piercing buckshot. It’s lucky for Felton that his neighbors are lucky too.

Our sources in Gaithersburg tell us that when Felton’s not drinking, hacking and shooting weapons, he’s a pretty decent fellow. We’re sure the same thing could be said about many prison inmates. So will Fireproof Fred get fired for firing?

Keep your powder dry on this one, folks.

Update: Felton has retired. Since he left voluntarily, he retains his nickname.


Montgomery County’s Most Influential People, Part One

Last year, we ran our inaugural series identifying Montgomery County’s most influential people. The results stirred much angst in the egos of the county’s powerful, many of whom claim to be more influential than anyone else. (Just ask them!) The complaining emails and phone calls nearly drove your tender-hearted author out of blogging. So a year later, what have we decided to do?

Why, do it again of course!


Sunday, September 27, 2009

O’Malley Raises Money for Deeds

Following is a solicitation illustrating the cross-Potomac pollination of Virginia and Maryland politics. Note the location: the home of Leggett fundraiser and EZStorage lobbyist Barbara Goldberg Goldman.


Town Hall Meeting on Disability Cuts

Following is the meeting notice.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sligo Creek Golf Association Says it Has the Votes

Following is the press release from the Sligo Creek Golf Association.

County Report: September 25

Friday, September 25, 2009

District 18 Delegation Opposes Connecticut-Jones Bridge Road Widening

Following is the letter written by Senator Rich Madaleno and Delegates Ana Sol Gutierrez, Jeff Waldstreicher and Al Carr.