Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Gazette Advertisements

Most candidates either cannot afford or don't believe in running print advertisements. However, Jeff Waldstreicher, a candidate for delegate in District 18, ran a half page ad in the Gazette (it's on A-34 in the B-CC edition). Bo Newsome, a candidate for an at-large seat on the County Council, also paid for a big advertisement touting his endorsements. Hugh Bailey has a smaller ad with too much small print to attract attention, though you just got to love the quote from Oprah at the beginning:

When I look into the future, it is so bright it burns my eyes.
County Executive Candidate Ike Leggett has a full page advertisement listing his endorsements as well as a long list in teeny-tiny print of "Women for Ike Leggett."

Two organizations ran large ads in favor of its candidates. MCEA ran a full-page ad in this week's Gazette in listing its endorsed candidates. Unhelpfully, they still list Tom Perez (oddly with an accent on the first e unlike on his own website) as their candidate for attorney general even though he is no longer eligible due to a ruling from the Court of Appeals. Oops. The Action Committee for transit ran a copy of its flyer outlining the positions of candidates on the Purple Line, though Dana Beyer disputes their characterization of her position as vague or hard to understand in a letter to the Gazette.

Sheriff candidates seem big on print ads as well. Unsurprisingly, incumbent Sheriff Ray Kight has the largest one with a half-page spread. Ed Clarke, a challenger to Sheriff Raymond Kight ran an ad that is about one-quarter of a page. Rob Moroney has a similarly sized ad detailing his platform and resume.

Comptroller William Donald Schaefer is the only statewide candidate (other than a Republican also running for Comptroller) with a print ad in the Gazette. I am not sure that the use of ALL CAPS in the middle of some sentences is going to help settle questions about his stability. Here is what the ad says:
As a lifelong public servant, Don Schaefer's number one purpose has been to help people . . . ALL PEOPLE!

As Mayor, Governor, and Comptroller, he has handled budgets totaling billions of dollars and never once, NOT ONCE, has there ever been ANY hint of scandal or impropriety.

For the past eight years, Don Schaefer has worked hard to keep the state Comptroller's office on track. Today, it is more efficient and effective than ever before.

But there is still more work to be done. And in these uncertain times, this is not the time for on-the-job training.

Now, more than ever, you can count on Don Schaefer to roll up his sleeves and continue to help people . . . with integrity, hard work and compassion.

He's been there for you. Now he's asking you to help him.
Schaefer's office is well run. If only he could keep his mouth shut and adored Republicans a tad less obviously, he might be a shoe-in for reelection despite his advanced age. It is just too bad that all that compassion he brags about in the ad doesn't extent to Korean immigrants.