Wednesday, December 12, 2007
What Our New Delegate Thinks
Excerpts from my notes on the Leland Center Forum sponsored by the District 18 Democratic Caucus:
On the Purple Line
I am "only candidate who is an elected official”; I've advocated for mass transit particularly for commuter rail. I am a supporter of East-West transit, and am strong supporter of the Capital Crescent Trail. We need plans that respect neighborhoods, including undergrounding.
Opposes slots.
Process for Filling Vacancies in the General Assembly
"The Constitution of Maryland is an agreement between the people and the government." Maryland is the only state that does it this way; we should have a special election.
Crossing Georgia
"As a Councilman from Kensington". . . Favors pedestrian improvements and strongly supportive of the tunnel.
I support Ike Leggett. We cannot turn our backs on people here; we have to help people.
Same-Sex Marriage
I support "full parity or equal marriage rights." I worked with Kensington Mayor Fosselman on a resolution on this.
First Priority
Energy and the environment. We need to alter the way commercial prop is taxed to reorient to a green future. Should expand homestead tax for affordable housing.
I worked with delegation in Annapolis on street light upgrades for more efficient ones that actually stay lit and are more attractive. I worked to change street light regulation.
We need to rethink how it impacts the Purple Line, and revive the idea of a Purple Line loop. I am concerned about the impact of the additional exit for the beltway.
Law should be changed so Rollingwood can vote.
Posted by
David Lublin
8:11 AM
Labels: Al Carr, District 18