Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Future of the GOP

I am sorry for the break in posts. Between family obligations and campaigning, I have been distracted. Just now, I came across the following quote from an interesting article in Salon about the fallout of the Foley scandal. It was attributed to an anonymous gay Republican Hill staffer. It explains the problem facing the Republicans in the long term.

"Most Christian conservative groups are looking for ideological purity," he explains. "You build a political party by expanding it, not by contracting it, and [Republicans'] continued appeals to conservative Christians and that element of the party are only going to last and only going to work for so long.

"Ultimately you're going to push so many people away that that's all you have left, a theocratic party. And if I sound like I'm being pretty critical of the Republican Party, I am, because it's something that they're going to have to realize. They're going to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century one way or another."