Details on registration after the jump. Women in Politics Panel Immigration Panel Professional Development Panel Environmental Panel 12:00pm Nominations for YDM Executive Board
Have you registered for the YDM Convention yet? Registration at the $10 level closes tomorrow at midnight. Make sure you’re on the doorlist with the discounted rate!
It’s only $10 ($25 if you want a t-shirt) if you register by TOMORROW NIGHT at midnight and registration is FREE for high school students and those with economic hardships! Just email with your name and contact information with subject line “YDM Convention.” Registration is $15 at the door on Saturday, January 29.
This year, we have another exciting speaker line up featuring Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, Senator Ben Cardin, and State Senator Victor Ramirez, and much more! We’ve got breakout sessions with fantastic speakers, elections for our caucuses, and some of the most engaging speakers around the state. Check out the schedule below and click here to register.
Also, don’t forget to purchase your tickets to the Roast of Jake Weissmann – just $25. If you’re looking forward to laughing and Jake writing in humiliation, you’re in for a good time.
Hotel Accomodations
The College Park Clarion Inn is offering a special deal to Young Democrats on Friday and Saturday night at the rate of $60 a night. To get this deal, just call the Clarion at 301-474-2800 and mention the Young Democrats to get the rate. The Clarion Inn is located on Rt. 1 in College Park at 8601 Baltimore Avenue, College Park, MD.
Schedule of Events
Kick-Off Reception
Friday, January 28, 2011
Hank’s Eats and Tavern
6507 America Blvd.
Hyattsville, MD
6:30pm Reception Begins
7:30pm Recognition of Young Elected Officials
7:45pm Keynote Address – Howard County Executive Ken Ulman
IBEW Local 26
4371 Parliament Place
Lanham, MD
8:00am Breakfast and Registration Opens
9:00am Welcome
9:10am Morning Speaker – Senator Ben Cardin
9:30am By-Laws Discussion
10:00am Women’s Caucus Elections & Chapter Updates
10:30am Breakout Session #1
12:20pm Lunch
12:10pm LGBT Caucus/Rural Caucus Meeting
12:20pm Lunch Speaker – State Senator Victor Ramirez
1:00pm Breakout Session #2 (See above)
2:15pm YDA Update
2:30pm YDM Update
2:45pm Plenary Session – The State Budget
3:30pm Minority Caucus Elections
4:00pm Afternoon Speaker – Congressman & Minority Whip Steny Hoyer
4:30pm YDM Executive Board Elections & Chapter Updates
5:00pm Adjourn
Purchase an official YDM t-shirt for just $15 extra dollars! Register for convention and select the $25 option!
We’re looking forward to seeing you THIS WEEKEND for some engaging speakers, informative educational sessions, and great company. Questions? Email with any comments, questions, or concerns. And make sure you register by TOMORROW NIGHT!
The YDM Statewide Convention Committee
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Young Dems Convention
Posted by
David Lublin
9:58 AM
Labels: Young Dems