Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Review of Current MCDCC Process

Kevin Gillogly provided an excellent blow-by-blow account of the process when the last vacancy was filled:
So one hour of candidates giving opening (and closing) statements, followed by zero questions in a room of the connected with outsiders on the outside, we get the first vote. If no one gets a majority on the first ballot then they drop off the lowest people until someone gets a majority.
Once again, the meeting will be held in the too-small room at Democratic HQ in Kensington. MCDCC is doing this to be in compliance with their by-laws. Democratic Central Committee Chair Karen Britto promised me at District 18 Forum that this would truly be the last time this occurs. I encouraged her to try and hold meetings in the district in question if possible though not to put a new straightjacket provision in the by-laws.

The major change which is in place that the voting will occur with an open ballot. This change was heavily promoted by Del. Saqib Ali (D-39) after he lost the appointment for the senate seat vacated by P.J. Hogan to then-Del. Nancy King. The vote of each central committee member will known.