An all-star cast of Democrats came together today to support District 4 County Council Democratic nominee Nancy Navarro against Republican Robin Ficker. All of Maryland's statewide elected leaders added their support to County Executive Ike Leggett and a unanimous County Council to put the party over the top. Notably absent were Delegate Ben Kramer (D-19) and Senator Rona Kramer (D-14), who were asked to endorse Navarro but did not answer. Following is the press release from the Navarro campaign.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Contact: David Moon, Campaign Manager
Maryland Democrats Unite Behind Nancy Navarro
Press Conference Highlights Broad Support for County Council Bid
ROCKVILLE, MD – Today, Maryland Democrats united to endorse Nancy Navarro for Montgomery County Council, District 4. Convening outside the County Council building, Maryland Democratic Party Chair Susan Turnbull announced endorsements for Navarro from Governor Martin O’Malley, Lt. Governor Anthony Brown, U.S. Senators Barbara Mikulski and Ben Cardin, Attorney General Doug Gansler, Comptroller Peter Franchot, as well as Rep. Donna Edwards and Rep. Chris Van Hollen. Turnbull cited the importance of Democratic unity in the May 19th Special Election and noted the steps the Navarro campaign had taken to try and expand the Democratic base.
Navarro was also joined by numerous members of the General Assembly, including Delegation Chairs Senator Rich Madaleno and Delegate Brian Feldman, who announced the near-unanimous support from the Montgomery County Delegation. Also in attendance were County Executive Ike Leggett, Council President Phil Andrews, and Councilmembers Roger Berliner, Valerie Ervin, Nancy Floreen, Mike Knapp, George Leventhal, and Duchy Trachtenberg. A representative from Councilmember Marc Elrich’s office also joined the proceedings. Leggett noted that though County Democrats may have supported different candidates in the recent special primary election, it was now time for all Democrats to rally behind their nominee, Nancy Navarro.
The numerous Democratic state and county officials were joined by a broad coalition of endorsers, including representatives from diverse constituency groups, the Sierra Club of Montgomery County, local labor unions, and the Montgomery County Business PAC.