Monday, November 12, 2007

Sen. Madaleno Special Session Update

From the desk of Sen. Rich Madaleno (D-18):
While it may be a holiday for some, the General Assembly remains busy with the work of the special session. Later today, the House of Delegates will be voting on the governor's health care proposal as well as their Chesapeake Bay initiative. Summaries of these bills and the House tax package is available on-line at: under the tab "Budget Documents."

Also today, the House Ways & Means and Appropriations Committees are scheduled to begin voting on the Budget Reconciliation Act and the slots package. My tentative understanding of the House tax package is that it is $200 million below the Senate package. Thus, this difference will have to made up in additional budget cuts. Appropriations' subcommittees have been meeting this morning reviewing various reduction options. In addition, rumors persist that there are not the sufficient votes in the House (85 needed) to pass the slots referendum legislation. Should the House vote down the slots measure, I am fearful the entire special session would collapse.

Because the House has yet to vote on several key parts of the revenue plan, our next Senate session has been postponed from Tuesday to Thursday morning. This delay will give Senate leadership the chance to develop a strategy in response to any unexpected House action.
Like me, Rich shares this touching naivety that people actually will look up documents. Indeed, I suspect one reason Rich is so effective in the legislature is that he is one of the few people who (1) actually reads the budget, and (2) understands it.