Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Gaithersburg Election

The big elections this year in Montgomery County are in Gaithersburg and Rockville. The Gazette recently reported on a forum for Gaithersburg City Council candidates, though another article reports a lack of buzz around the elections. The first article also revealed some of the local political alliances:
[Cathy] Drzyzgula and [Jud] Ashman are running on a slate. Ahmed Ali, Solis and Ryan Spiegel, who did not attend the debate, are not running on a slate but say they support each other.
The Gazette has published another article summarizing the positions of the seven Council candidates--only three can be elected. The Gazette is also doing their usual series of profiles which are linked below; I also attempt to summarize some (though by no means all) of their positions based on these articles. If anyone has further information which they wish to share, please chime in. Candidates and overview of issue positions:

Ahmed Ali
increase police force by 10% if budget allows it, against higher taxes, for keeping existing day laborer center, no relation to the other Ali in the race.

Shawn Ali
city needs to work on infrastructure to help decrease crime and improve the community, likes the Kentlands but also wants to see more urban renewal, city should enact legislation cracking down on employers hiring illegal immigrants but police should not enforce immigration law, Saqib Ali's cousin.

Jud Ashman
for speeding up Olde Towne revitalization, wants more open government, more police officers and community policy, support day-laborer center, watch development carefully and make sure they provide infrastructure.

Cathy Drzyzgula
for more open government and bigger police force, likes recent environmental initiatives, favors current day laborer site, rather cut budget than raise taxes, active in home preservation, supports better enforcement of development codes.

Wilson Faris
wants term limits, against day-laborer center, has a blog, strongly favors revitalization of Olde Towne, need to aggressively push county for higher standards for education.

Carlos Solis
for a larger and better funded police force, "never" will vote for new taxes, get revenue instead from development permits, anti-development but unfamiliar with Aventienne development, supports current day-laborer center.

Ryan Spiegel

toughen development standards to help address school overcrowding, for a bigger police force, city should consider borrowing funds to pay for new aquatic and recreation center, against raising taxes.