Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Mike Miller Sui Generis

Senate President Mike Miller called for a special session to deal with the state's looming $1.5 billion budget deficit. (Anyone else noticed that deficits always "loom"?) He proposes upping the state sales tax from 5 to 6 percent, legalizing slot machines, and cutting education to balance the books.

However, the big news may be that Miller is now hedging on his announced plan to retire in 2010 after presiding over the Senate for more than two decades. No one will be surprised to learn that the savvy pol said that it his constituents who wanted him to run again. On the other hand, he explained constituent demands for more Miller in a way outside the usual formula:
"My concern is my district," said the gregarious Miller, who represents parts of Calvert and Prince George's counties. "They may say, 'He's a jerk, but he's our jerk.' "
Miller also had some harsh words for former Gov. Robert Ehrlich:
"He's the kind of person you wouldn't want in your law firm because he doesn't work," Miller said of Ehrlich, who recently joined a large North Carolina-based firm.
Oh, and Miller says Edwards is the most electable Democratic presidential candidate.

If Miller does retire, I hope the next Senate president is this much fun.