Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Felon Voting Rights Restored

Governor O'Malley signed a bill which restores the rights of convicted felons to vote once they have completed their sentence and are off parole:
Advocates say more than 50,000 Marylanders will be eligible to vote as a result of the legislation. Thirty-eight other states allow ex-convicts who have completed their sentences - including any parole or probation - to vote. But the Maryland legislation was among the most hotly debated bills in the recent General Assembly session.

"It certainly doesn't mean the floodgates are going to open, but this underscores the full meaning of citizenship," said Sen. Gwendolyn T. Britt, a Prince George's County Democrat who was a sponsor of the measure. "When you have paid your debt to society ... you should be free to register to vote."

At present, those convicted of most felonies can petition to have their voting rights restored after their sentences plus a three-year waiting period are completed. The bill passed the Senate 28-19 and the House of Delegates 78-60, with substantial numbers of Democrats joining Republicans in opposing the measure.