Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Duncan Joins Call to Vote Absentee

Montgomery County Executive Doug Duncan encouraged voters worried about problems at their polling place to vote absentee. After the primary, Duncan called for the resignation of County Board of Elections President Nancy Dacek and Elections Director Margaret A. Jurgensen. Yesterday, he further called for the replacement of State Board of Elections Administrator Linda Lamone's:
‘‘We can’t say it’s OK when thousands were denied the right to vote,” Duncan said. ‘‘I don’t think things will change until there’s a change at the top of the local and state level. The county administrator is in over her head and the state administrator [Linda H. Lamone] is in over her head.”
Duncan's call for voters to consider absentee voting was somewhat more muted than a similar call by soon-to-be-our-ex-Gov. Bob Ehrlich. In any case, Democratic leaders didn't accuse the outgoing leader of the state's largest county of trying to tamp down turnout as they did Ehrlich.